@extends($iframe_chk == 1 ? 'layouts.iframe' : 'layouts.app') @section('content')
@if ($id > 0 && $iframe_chk == 0)
Add New @if ($page_data->FollowChk() == true) Un-Follow @else Follow @endif @if ( canTask('can_del_sales') ) Delete @endif

@endif @if ($id > 0 && $iframe_chk == 0)
@csrf @if ($page_data->type_ven_aff == 2)
@foreach (config('defines.opportunity_stage_aff_select') as $data_k => $data_v) {!! $page_data->StageButton($data_k, $data_v) !!} @endforeach
@if ($canEdit) @endif
@foreach (config('defines.opportunity_stage_select') as $data_k => $data_v) {!! $page_data->StageButton($data_k, $data_v) !!} @endforeach
@if ($canEdit) @endif
stage == 4) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
stage == 5) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
stage == 6) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
stage == 1) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

Submit product(s) for Compliance pre-approval.

  • Ensure all information is accurately entered in the Opportunity.
  • Upload any relevant information for the Compliance team under "Files" (Example: lables/COA, VSL transcript).
  • Once ready, ping your assigned Compliance Officer in Slack.
stage == 2) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

When the product has been pre-approved by Compliance the Opportunity moves into the Qualification stage.

The next step is to then send the Onboarding Form to the vendor: https://onboarding.form.ds24rcvrs.com/
stage == 3) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

Once the Onboarding Form has been submitted the Opportunity moves into the Onboarding phase.

The product is now with the Onboarding team to build out the sales funnel.
stage == 4) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

In the Live Testing phase we actively test the offer on the Digistore24 platform.

In order for the Growth Management team to promote the product, the following information also needs to be added:
  1. Product demographic.
  2. Product geographic.
  3. Traffic types allowed.
  4. Affiliates allowed to promote? Y/N.
  5. Sales Page URL
  6. Affiliate Page URL
  7. Commission amount.
stage == 5) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

Revise techniques to increase future wins.

What contributed to losing this opportunity?
  • List Loss Reason.
  • What do we need to do differently to improve our chances of winning?
  • If Opportunity has a chance of re-opening, schedule a follow-up task or event for this account.
stage == 6) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"' !!}>
Guidance for Success

@if ($id == 0) @endif
@if ($id == 0)
@if ($id == 0)
@else @endif
@if ($id > 0)
  • List of Owners
  • @forelse ($owners_list as $data_k => $data_v)
  • {{ SetTimeZoneFormat($data_v->created_at, 'date_at_time') }}
  • @empty
    No data.

Created By: {{ $page_data->user_created->name }}, {{ SetTimeZoneFormat($page_data->created_at, 'date_at_time') }}
Last Modified By: {{ $page_data->user_modified->name }}, {{ SetTimeZoneFormat($page_data->updated_at, 'date_at_time') }}

@if ($iframe_chk == 0) Cancel / Back @else Cancel @endif @if ($canEdit) @endif
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{!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('tasks', 'opportunity') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunity_accounts') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunity_contacts') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunity_team') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunity_splits') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunities_onboardings') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('connection', 'opportunity_tags') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('notes', 'opportunity') !!} {!! $page_data->SalesWidgets('files', 'opportunity') !!}
@endsection @section('more_scripts') @include('sales_opportunities.edit-js') @endsection